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Reflection for the month - May


 God has no favourites!

For centuries the descendants of Abraham waited for the promised Messiah who would right all wrongs for them alone - the Chosen People. When Jesus, the Messiah, finally came to them, many were disappointed. He did not stick to the rules. He mixed and ate with tax collectors and sinners; He healed the servant of a Roman centurion (Mt 8.5-13). He spoke well of the despised Samaritans, and even went so far as to speak with a Samaritan woman (Jn 4.4-42). He simply did not stay within the established boundaries. As He left his followers He commanded them to go out into the world and preach the Good News to all nations (Mt.28.19).

To law-observing Jews the non-Jews, the Gentiles, were ‘unclean’. Entering their houses, or eating with them was unthinkable, so when Peter was called to visit the home of the Roman centurion Cornelius he had to face up to breaking a whole list of Jewish rules, (Acts 10).  Cornelius was a good, God-fearing man eager to know more of Jesus. Once the embarrassments of their meeting were overcome, Peter rejoiced in his realisation that God has no favourites but accepts people from every nation who want to know God and do what is right.

Cornelius is a wonderful example of God’s willingness to reach out to anyone who desires to know Him. There are no favourites, God loves the whole world, Peter, Cornelius, you, me, - everyone!  


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