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Reflection for the month - August

As you sow, so shall you reap!
It is a familiar saying, ‘A man reaps what he sows’, and how true this has proved to be time after time age upon age. The temptation to satisfy the dark side of human nature, to sow selfishness, injustice, violence, hatred, ignoring the needs of others – ignoring God – produces a bitter harvest of weeds. All down the ages so many corrupted souls have nothing more to show for their wasted lives than weeds. Read any newspaper to see today the terrible harm that Godlessness does to individuals, to groups, to nations.  The world seems to be filled with uncertainties, war, hunger, sickness, - where is God? It is hard indeed to have faith and hope for light in all this darkness and suffering. We surely need to be as convinced as Desmond Tutu was that “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness”. 

St Paul, writing to the Galatians, (Gal 6. 1- 12) urged them to live creatively, each one being responsible for doing the best they can with their own lives, and not always comparing themselves with others. Look to the light, the bright side of human nature and sow love, justice and peace, looking to work with compassion for the benefit of those in need.  This message is ever relevant, ever timely.  Sowing in response to God’s will, letting the Holy Spirit guide us, ‘weariness in well doing’ has no place. St Peter (1. 13-16) urges us to ‘roll up our sleeves and put our minds in gear’ to follow a way of life shaped by Jesus’ life, being holy in all that we do. Yes, this is a great challenge. There are so many distractions, so many attractions to draw us away from the love of God and from his merciful forgiveness and grace. Both Peter and Paul say ‘Don’t give up’ for at the time of our harvest a good crop will be there.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      David Peacock                                                                           

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