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This Month


Jottings for January


Rev Chris’s New Year Thoughts

New Year comes with so many bits of attendant “baggage” doesn’t it! Whether that’s New Year Resolutions (if you’re the kind of person who makes them), New Year’s Eve Parties with friends and family, or The Great Countdown to midnight! It’s a natural moment to think backward and forward at the same time.
When I think back on 2024, July marked the start of my ministry at St Mary’s. It’s been quite the ride! I have met so many people in the church and village, been privileged to have been part of many life stories, and enjoyed joining the team here. I cannot but thank all of you who have been so welcoming to me in the last few months. I have so much to be thankful for, and I hope you do too.
Thinking onward to 2025, June will mark the first anniversary of my ordination as deacon, as I look forward to being ordained as a priest in Ely Cathedral. The change from deacon to priest is one which many do not notice but it is very significant in ordained ministry. I will look forward to playing a greater part in the ministry here at St Mary’s and in the village.
As we step forward into 2025 as a church and as a community, what are we hoping for? What dreams do we carry with us? For some, to be sure, it will be an opportunity to say farewell to a 2024 that perhaps we did not enjoy as much as we would have liked. But if Christmas has taught us anything it is that we have hope in Christ. And that hope propels us forward into a new year, into 2025. Whatever it brings for you, we at St Mary’s wish you a very Happy New Year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rev Chris Shore

Julie’s Jottings

Rev Chris reminds us that the New Year gives us a chance to look at what we are thankful for and what we may need to do differently.  In December the Friends of St Mary’s hosted a concert by the Cambridge City Brass Band, with some very beautiful original arrangements.  The acoustics of our ancient building assisted the melding of the music of the instruments.     
This concert was raising money to make some needed restoration of the organ.  St Mary’s organ is a fine instrument which has been moved around the church during the last century, and has some problems which need to be rectified. The cost of the proposed work is £30,000.  This organ is used for many weddings and  funerals, and of course is at the heart of our services every Sunday. Donations for our organ fund can be made via our website: Happy New Year                                                                                                                                     Rev Julie Norris



Reflection for the month - January


 “Turning over a new leaf”

Do people still keep diaries?  I suppose that some do, in which case every day sees the turning over of a new leaf, a clean page, fresh, unmarked, ready to record the thoughts and actions of the writer. What then is so special about New Year’s Day?  It is after all just another day and another page for life’s story.  The merriment of Auld Lang Syne, hugs and kisses of the night before may linger, but for some there will be the old-fashioned challenge of making New Year Resolutions.

These are messy times, and we frequently feel helpless in the face of the seeming paralysis of our leaders and of society at large to bring about much needed change for so many people all around the world surviving war, natural disasters, political instability, corruption and poverty.  The starting point for New Year resolutions has to be an honest look at ourselves, the things we have done and those we might have done but not done. Christmas provided us with a reminder of how Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, came among us, and he remains with us, sharing the joys and the burdens of our lives. Turning over the page to Him we can pray for guidance that through His love, His mercy and His justice we may find our proper place in His creation, working for the coming of His Kingdom.                                                               David Peacock

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