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Coming Events

Hope in Today’s World - talks for Lent
We are holding a series of thought-provoking talks for Lent from St Mary’s, Great Shelford and The Faraday Institute.  These will all take place in St Mary’s Church, Great Shelford at 7pm. See dates and details below and the poster on this week's Pew Sheet 

Thursday 20 February
10.30am: A group from St Mary’s will go to the Cambridgeshire Care Home to lead a Communion Service.

Sunday 23 February Second Sunday before Lent
 8am: Traditional Holy Communion Service BCP
10am: Contemporary sung Parish Communion Service

3pm: Open Space An opportunity for children and families to have fun outside, this month in the Free Church gardens behind Cara Café.

Wednesday 26 February ‘Quiet Time’
7pm at the Vicarage: We are introducing a time of quiet reflection and meditation using tools offered by Julian of Norwich, Centering Prayer, Ignatius of Lyola and others. This is a space to draw breath, to pray for the church, your life, the world. People who practice meditative prayer with others often tell me that, ‘this is the best bit of my week’.  You do not need to have done this before, or you may have experience to share with others.  You will be welcome.

Thursday 27 February
7pm Fundraising Talk: This month, Rowan Staines has agreed to give the talk on, ‘My journey with God’.  Donations are invited at this event to support the Church.

Saturday 1 March
Coffee Morning in the Community Room, 10.30am to 12noon. Proceeds will be going to Christian Aid.

Sunday 2 March  
8amTraditional Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer.
10am Sung Parish Communion.  After this there will be a service of Baptism for Mia Wilkstrom at 12.15pm.

Monday 3 March
8.30am  We meet in the Chancel for Morning Prayers.

Monday 3 March
The Pilgrim Group will be focusing on Spring and Lent in preparation for the start of Lent on Wednesday.   Meeting at The Vicarage at 2pm.

Wednesday 5 March Ash Wednesday.
There will be two opportunities to receive the Lent Ashes at St Mary’s Church.
10.30am when there will be a traditional Book of Common Prayer service of Holy Communion.
7.30pm, there will be a Parish Communion Service and Ashes.
This is a time to put things right as we begin to prepare for Lent and get ready for Easter.

Thursday 3 March
Morning Prayers takes place at 8.30am in the Chancel at St Mary’s.  We will be reading the Church of England Lent Reflections called, ‘Living Hope -  A Lent Journey’. 

Sunday 9 March The First Sunday of Lent
8amTraditional Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer.
10am Sung Parish Communion service for Children Families and All Generations.   The theme of the service is ‘Children of Courage’ and we will be thinking about Temptation. At this Parish Communion children take part along with along with their families, and friends from 0-90+.  Please join us.

Monday 10 March
Morning Prayers at 8.30am in the Chancel.  We continue to use the Lent Reflections, ‘Living Hope -  A Lent Journey’. 

Monday 10 March
The Pilgrim Group will be beginning our Lent Series.   This Lent we are going to be using the York Course Lent series which focuses on The Sacraments.  Jane Williams writes, “The hope is that as we discuss sacraments, we will get a new insight into the world God loves – beautiful, even in its brokenness – and find ourselves not only refreshed, but re-enchanted.”  Meet in the Vicarage at 2pm.

Thursday 13 March
Morning Prayers takes place at 8.30am in the Chancel.  We continue to use the Lent Reflections, ‘Living Hope -  A Lent Journey’. 

Thursday 13 March
in St Mary’s Church. We begin a Lent series of Talks ‘Hope in Today’s World’.  There will be two talks in March and two in April. This a joint venture with The Faraday Institute in Cambridge. Four excellent speakers who work at the interface between Science and Faith will help us to explore some significant contemporary issues.  They are focusing on how we can find hope in the face of suffering.  In the first of these, Graham Budd,  the Executive Director of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion will give a talk entitled, ‘Hope in Artificial Intelligence.’
Please come along to listen and to discuss the issues and maybe come away more hopeful.

Sunday 16 March The Second Sunday of Lent
8am Traditional Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer.
10am Sung Parish Communion.  

Monday 17 March
Morning Prayers takes place at 8.30am in the Chancel.  We continue to use the Lent Reflections, ‘Living Hope -  A Lent Journey’. 

Monday 17 March
The Pilgrim Group will continue the York Course Lent Series  ‘The Sacraments’. Session 2 is called, ‘God Loves Creation’. Meet at The Vicarage at 2pm.

Monday 17 March
The funeral of Andrew Schofield RIP at St Mary the Virgin at 2.30pm
Thursday 20 March
Morning Prayers at 8.30am in the Chancel.  We continue to use the Lent Reflections, ‘Living Hope -  A Lent Journey’. 

Thursday 20 March 
10.30am A group from St Mary’s will lead a service of prayers, readings and hymns along with Holy Communion in Cambridgeshire Care Home Service 

Thursday 20 March
7pm in St Mary’s Church , the second in our  Lent series of Talks ‘Hope in Today’s World’ will take place in St Mary’s Church.  Prof. Robert (Bob) White, Emeritus Director of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion and former Professor of Geophysics at Cambridge will talk about, ‘Hope in Disaster’.
Please come along to listen and to discuss the issues and maybe come away more hopeful.

Saturday 22 March - Clean Up Day at St Mary’s. 
We are hoping that volunteers will come to help to give a Spring Clean to the Church and Churchyard. 10am – 1pm.

Sunday 23 March Third Sunday of Lent
8am Traditional Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer.
10am Sung Parish Communion.  
3pm The Open Space will be hosted by the Free Church and will take place behind Cara Café .  This is a joint venture for families and children, shared between St Mary’s and Great Shelford Free Church.

Monday 24 March
Morning Prayers at 8.30am in the Chancel.  We continue to use the Lent Reflections, ‘Living Hope -  A Lent Journey’. 

Monday 24 March
The Pilgrim Group will continue the York Course Lent Series on ‘The Sacraments’.  Session 3 is called, ‘Jesus-shaped sacraments’.  We meet at The Vicarage at 2pm.

Wednesday 26 March
7 pm  We will be holding a Quiet Time of meditation and prayer in St Mary’s Church.  We will be using methods of praying honed by people such as Julian of Norwich, St Francis of Assisi and Centering Prayer.  In this one we will be focused on Centering Prayer.  You do not need to have experience of silent prayer to come to this. There will be gentle aids to help us to be still.  Do come along if you love silence, or want to learn more.

Thursday 27 March
Morning Prayers at 8.30am in the Chancel.  We continue to use the Lent Reflections, ‘Living Hope -  A Lent Journey’. 

Sunday 30 March Mothering Sunday. 
We will be celebrated Mothing Sunday first at a traditional
Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer at 8am. This is  followed by the Sung Parish Communion Service at 10am. There will a recognition of the role of the Church in nurturing people, and the giving of posies to celebrate those who have mothered us.

Other regular weekly services:
Mondays and Thursdays at 8.30am  Join us for Morning Prayer
The Church is open daily for prayer 9.30am–4pm.  
Sundays 6.30pm: Online Service held via Zoom.
These services give a lovely space to pause and listen to music and readings which, at the end of the weekend, can prepare us for the week ahead. You can find the Zoom link on the Pew Sheet 

Hope in Today’s World
We are holding a series of thought-provoking talks for Lent from St Mary’s, Great Shelford and The Faraday Institute.  These will all take place in St Mary’s Church, Great Shelford at 7pm. The first two are detailed above and on our poster - see the Pew Sheet page on this website

Talks to follow are:

Thursday April 3 - Evolution, Suffering and Hope by Denis Alexander, Emeritus Director of The Faraday Institute. He was previously Chairman of the Molecular Immunology Programme at The Babraham Institute.

Thursday April 10 - Hope in Suffering by Rebecca Fitzgerald who is Programme Leader at the MRC Cancer Unit, and Honorary Consultant in Gastroenterology and General Medicine at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge.

Please come along to listen and to discuss the issues and maybe come away more hopeful.

We are seeking to make the church a place to drop into for solace and space during the week.  You are welcome to come in and look around at the historical features 'of the building, some dating from Saxon times.  We have historic information to read, and photographs of the church interior to view.  There is an area where children can come and read some books, a space to light a candle and leave a prayer request. There are books on how to pray.  There is also a book stall where people can bring books and buy books for a small charge or donation.

Please take a look at our church calendar:

Monday 24 February
10:00amHelen Harwood Sewing group @ Community Room
4:00pmUkranian English Class @ Community Room
7:00pmShelford WI meeting @ Community Room
7:00pmShelford WI meeting @ Community Room
Wednesday 26 February
4:00pmUkranian English Class @ Community Room
7:00pmQuiet Time at the Vicarage. @
Thursday 27 February
2:00pmFriendship meeting with Rosey... @ Community Room
6:30pmFund raising lecture @ Community Room
7:00pmMy Journey with God Rowan... @ Community Room
Friday 28 February
6:30pmChoir practice @ Main Church Building
Saturday 1 March
9:30am“Saturday special” Coffee... @ Community Room
Monday 3 March
10:00amHelen Harwood Sewing group @ Community Room
4:00pmUkranian English Class @ Community Room
7:00pmShelford WI meeting @ Community Room
Wednesday 5 March
4:00pmUkranian English Class @ Community Room
Thursday 6 March
2:00pmFriendship meeting with Rosey... @ Community Room
6:30pmW I meeting @ Community Room
Friday 7 March
6:30pmChoir practice @ Main Church Building
Monday 10 March
10:00amHelen Harwood Sewing group @ Community Room
4:00pmUkranian English Class @ Community Room
7:00pmShelford WI meeting @ Community Room
Wednesday 12 March
4:00pmUkranian English Class @ Community Room
Thursday 13 March
2:00pmFriendship meeting with Rosey... @ Community Room
Friday 14 March
6:30pmChoir practice @ Main Church Building
Saturday 15 March
10:00amCambridge university guild... @ Main Church Building
Monday 17 March
10:00amHelen Harwood Sewing group @ Community Room
4:00pmUkranian English Class @ Community Room
7:00pmShelford WI meeting @ Community Room
Wednesday 19 March
4:00pmUkranian English Class @ Community Room
Thursday 20 March
2:00pmFriendship meeting with Rosey... @ Community Room
Friday 21 March
6:30pmChoir practice @ Main Church Building
View monthly calendar
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