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The Sunday Club 

Families and children are especially welcome at St. Mary's. We have close links with Great and Little Shelford CofE (A) Primary School, which is next door to the church.  Every Sunday for the first part of the 10.00 service the children have their own activities in the Community Room, stories, games and crafts related to the Bible readings of the day and always enjoy telling us all what they have been doing. The hunt for Mary Mouse is a regular fun feature of their participation  with us.   Once every month the 10.00 service is given specifically for the children, See the calendar for dates.

Open Space

An initiative in collaboration with the Free Church, Open Space takes place on the fourth Sunday in the month between 3.00and 4.30p.m. alternating between St. Mary's and the Free Church as hosts. As its name suggests, Open Space takes place outside and is for children and families to to explore God's world with fun things to do. Between 8 and 20 children have attended and all of them seemed to have had much enjoyment. See the calendar for dates.

Our children and families contact is Authorised Lay Minister Mrs. Gillian Pett.


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