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Our Church Family Events

Families and children are especially welcome at St. Mary's. We have close links with Great and Little Shelford CofE (A) Primary School, which is next door to the church.  Every Sunday for the first part of the 10.00 service the children have their own activities in the Community Room, stories, games and crafts related to the Bible readings of the day and always enjoy telling us all what they have been doing.  Once every month the 10.00 service is given specifically for the children, See the calendar for dates

GREAT SHELFORD FRIENDSHIP GROUP for older men and women meets weekly, in St Mary’s Community Room on THURSDAYS, at 2.15 for 2.30pm start. A big thank you to all of you for your support so far. We welcome more members! Please contact Rosey Feuell or come along one Thursday! 

Garden Part and Gift Day: This will take place at the Vicarage on June 29th, 2-5pm

Church Outing: Coach trip to St Paul's Cathedral, London. Friday 13th September. Free time on arrival, a guided tour of the Cathedral by our own Gillian Scahill, followed by the Evensong Service if so desired. Coach to depart St Mary's at 9.30 ave, return around 8 pm. Cost £45 inclusive.
Contact Trevor Ward 07910 747306 for tickets

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