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Jottings for September

This month Julie has passed the pen and the page to Fr Edward:

Fr Edwards Pondering

St Clare of Assisi, was inspired by St Francis and one of the first people to join the Franciscan Order.  Like Francis she cared for the poor and vulnerable and she also founded a part of the Order which gave women a ministry.  Some of her letters still exist and give us profound insights in rich imagery. In her letters she described how when she looked into a mirror, she gazed in prayer, not on herself, but on Jesus Christ the Son of God. She saw Jesus reflecting God’s love to her. She also saw him seeing the world as she reflected that world to him.  She then carried that reflection of Jesus into her daily life.


Her way of faith was to follow how Christ lived as closely as she could.  We can  follow in her example by reading the bible, meditation and prayer, believing that we can then contemplate upon Christ and become more like Christ who is perfect love. 

You might ask what this practically means for today whether you are a person of faith or not.  We often today hear talk more about happiness particularly for our children.  Abbot Christoper Jamison, when writing about finding happiness, asks what we mean by happiness and whether  we should value being decent, just and honest.  Well, we can all question ourselves like Clare as we look in the mirror. Do you see someone who not only values decency, justice and honesty but tries to reflect this in all you do?  I believe Jesus is the key role model for this.

                                                                                                                                     Fr.Edward Westrip


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