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Jottings for October

Rosey Feuell our Licensed Lay Minister tells us about her background and her work in the Parish

I am forever grateful for the welcome and kindnesses expressed since entering Gt Shelford on placement and being licensed as a lay minister for St Mary’s in October 2022, the same week Julie Norris was collated to Vicar. We have now welcomed Father Edward and Revd. Chris to our team, learning about their ministry roles and interests.  Now it’s my turn to outline emphases I have been developing over time, with valued encouragement from Julie, and others, including our late lay minister Maureen.
I am a retired teacher of adults learning English, also working in examinations, training and conferences.  Though single, I have 12 family members in Surrey (where we grew up), plus adult godchildren and “great godchildren”. For some years I have worked particularly with older people, backed by Anna Chaplaincy, who promote spiritual care – in broadest senses – among those in later life. I also offer spiritual direction, Quiet Days and talks to community and church groups in different places. Gt Shelford ministry has included starting the Gt Shelford Friendship Club, visiting, Care Home work, alongside preaching, leading services etc. in church and elsewhere. We are all going to feel our age sometime; I aim at making that time richer, less anxious, more befriended for people than it sometimes becomes. I’d like to focus attention on two related upcoming events and ask for your support, as you are able.  
Thursday, 31st October. A talk by Anna Chaplain speaker. ‘Staying Alive and Enriching Later Life’ at 7pm in St Mary’s Community Room
Friday 20th December the Seniors’ Tea Party in the Memorial Hall, 2.30-4.30pm.
Rosey Feuell – / 01223 213305 


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